How to get the values entered in the field Filtered DataTable of Primefaces?

You can get the filter value from the datatable by

  1. Obtain a reference to the datatable from the view either by binding or walking the tree. By binding, you'll have:

       <p:dataTable binding="#{arquivoBean.theDataTable}" id="pDataTableListaRegistros" var="registro" value="#{arquivoBean.listaRegistros}" paginator="true" rows="20" filteredValue="#{arquivoBean.filteredListaRegistros}" styleClass="tabelaCentralizada"/>

    And in your backing bean:

       DataTable theDataTable = new DataTable();
       //getter and setter
  2. From the binding

       Map<String, String> theFilterValues = theDataTable.getFilters(); //This returns a map of column-filterText mapping.