generate random string

You could save yourself the hassle and use Membership.GeneratePassword method. It is essentially doing what you require.


int passwordLength = 5;
int alphaNumericalCharsAllowed = 2;
string random = Membership.GeneratePassword(passwordLength, alphaNumericalCharsAllowed);

For readability aswell you could wrap this in a helper method:

private string GenerateRandomString(int length, int alphaNumericalChars)
      return Membership.GeneratePassword(length, alphaNumericalChars);

Try using the same random object for the whole string, rather than initializing one for each char.

The random object will generate a "pseudo-random" number, based on mathematical progressions starting from a "seed" number. You can actually get the same sequence of "random" numbers if you initialize the Random object to the same seed every time.

Now, when you initialize Random without specifying a seed, it'll take the computer's clock as seed. In this case, you're probably doing it fast enough that the clock hasn't changed from one initialization to another, and you get always get the same seed.

You're better off initializing the Random object in your function that generates the random string, and passing it as a parameter to the GenerateChar function, so that you're calling NextDouble() several times on the same instance of the Random object, instead of only once on different instances of it.