How to delete all the rows in a table using Eloquent?

You can use Model::truncate() if you disable foreign_key_checks (I assume you use MySQL).

DB::statement("SET foreign_key_checks=0");
DB::statement("SET foreign_key_checks=1");

Laravel 5.2+ solution.


Just grab underlying builder with table name and do whatever. Couldn't be any tidier than that.

Laravel 5.6 solution


The reason MyModel::all()->delete() doesn't work is because all() actually fires off the query and returns a collection of Eloquent objects.

You can make use of the truncate method, this works for Laravel 4 and 5:


That drops all rows from the table without logging individual row deletions.

I've seen both methods been used in seed files.

// Uncomment the below to wipe the table clean before populating




Even though you can not use the first one if you want to set foreign keys.

Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint

So it might be a good idea to use the second one.