How to encircle a character inside a Latex formula?

Slight improvement of ThV's answer, in order to preserve the proper math style.



  \tikz[baseline,anchor=base]{\node[draw,circle,outer sep=0pt,inner sep=.2ex] {#1};}}


\encircled{Text} outside math. $\encircled{n=1}$ formula.
f_{\encircled{n}} = \encircled{f_n}


enter image description here

I would use TikZ to achieve this. Here's some rough sample code that is similar to what is used in the answers to question 1 and question 2 that you mentioned:


  \node[draw,circle,outer sep=0pt,inner sep=.2ex]


\encircled{Text} outside math. \encircled{$n=1$} formula.
Or $\encircled{n}$ like this.
\[ f_{\encircled{n}} = \encircled{f_n} \]


For convenience, I've added code to automatically switch to math mode if needed. This is based on question 3.

enter image description here