Sentences are crossing the margin. Is there any solution?

Adding \usepackage[latin]{babel} will also help in your case.

\usepackage{ebgaramond} % main font
%%%%%%%%%%% MARGIN %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%% LETTRINE %%%%%%%%%%
\input Zallman.fd %
%letterine setup
%%%%%%%% BEGIN DOCUMENT %%%%%%
\chapter{Main Heading}
\lettrine{A}{nd} \blindtext

The solution here is usually to enforce the hyphenation of the faulty words.

Since you are using a blind text, some words are not properly hyphenated.

In your case, adding \hyphenation{Do-nec} to the preamble solves the problem (I don't know if that's the correct hyphenation, though).

enter image description here

\usepackage{ebgaramond} % main font
%%%%%%%%%%% MARGIN %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%% LETTRINE %%%%%%%%%%

\hyphenation{Do-nec}% <--- HERE

\input Zallman.fd %
%letterine setup
%%%%%%%% BEGIN DOCUMENT %%%%%%
\chapter{Main Heading}
\lettrine{A}{nd} \blindtext