How do I save functions to individual files in PostgreSQL?

I wrote a simple PHP script using pg_get_functiondef to get the source code and then save it to a file.

$connection = pg_connect("connection string details");
$result = pg_query($connection, "select proname, pg_get_functiondef(oid) from pg_proc where pronamespace=<namespace_oid>");

while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) {
    $fp = fopen("{$row[0]}.sql", 'w');
    fwrite($fp, $row[1]);

I can suggest 2 methods:

  1. Use pg_dump -s to save only the schema of your application. This will create one large file in which you will have to look for the stored procedures and save them to individual files. This may be OK for you.

  2. Query the pg_proc catalog table to create "CREATE FUNCTION" statements. See for more information about which fields you will need.

Run the following

  1. mkdir /tmp/foo
  2. chown postgresql:postgresql /tmp/foo

Then in psql, run this command whose inner workings I shamelessly stole from Craig's answer on SO,

  'COPY (SELECT pg_get_functiondef(%s)) TO ''/tmp/foo/%s''',
from pg_proc pp
inner join pg_namespace pn on (pp.pronamespace = pn.oid)
inner join pg_language pl on (pp.prolang = pl.oid)
where pl.lanname NOT IN ('c','internal') 
  and pn.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
  and pn.nspname <> 'information_schema';

Then run \gexec