"Could not find stored procedure' even though the stored procedure have been created in MS SQL Server Management Studio

IntelliSense Refresh local Cache should fix it

You should not have to restart the database after adding a new stored procedure, although you will need to refresh your object explorer to see it there.

The next time you add a stored procedure try running the right click execute option from the object explorer and enter your parameters and see if it runs. If it does not run then I'm not sure what your problem is. If it does run then it could be something simple like SQL is trying to query from the wrong database.

At last I know why the message appear in the MS SQL Server Management Studio.

The MS SQL Server Management Studio require one to restart it after creating a stored procedure in it.

After restarting the MS SQL Server Management Studio, there is no such error anymore.

(Strange, does that mean that every time I create a stored procedure, I have to restart it?)