How do I get the current and next greater value in one select?

Doing a JOIN is one thing you might need.

SELECT, l.time, r.time FROM 
    idtimes AS l LEFT JOIN idtimes AS r ON =

I suppose the outer join is deliberate, and you want to be getting nulls. More on that later.

WHERE l.time < r.time ORDER BY ASC, l.time ASC;

You only want the r. row that has the lowest (MIN) time that is higher than the l.time. That is the place where you need subquerying.

WHERE r.time = (SELECT MIN(time) FROM idtimes r2 where = AND r2.time > l.time)

Now to the nulls. If "there is no next-higher time", then the SELECT MIN() will evaluate to null (or worse), and that itself never compares equal to anything, so your WHERE clause will never be satisfied, and the "highest time" for each ID, could never appear in the result set.

You solve it by eliminating your JOIN, and moving the scalar subquery into the SELECT list :

SELECT id, time, 
    (SELECT MIN(time) FROM idtimes sub 
        WHERE = AND sub.time > main.time) as nxttime
  FROM idtimes AS main 

I always avoid to use subqueries either in SELECT block or in the FROM block, because it makes the code "dirtier" and sometimes less efficient.

I think a more elegant way to do it is to:

1. Find the times greater than the time of the row

You can do this with a JOIN between idtimes table with itself, constraining the join to the same id and to times greater than the time of current row.

You should use LEFT JOIN to avoid excluding rows where there are no times greater than the one of the current row.

    i1.time AS time,
    i2.time AS greater_time
    idtimes AS i1
    LEFT JOIN idtimes AS i2 ON = AND i2.time > i1.time

The problem, as you mentioned, is that you have multiple rows where next_time is greater than time.

| id  | time       | greater_time |
| 155 | 1300000000 | 1311111111   |
| 155 | 1300000000 | 1322222222   |
| 155 | 1311111111 | 1322222222   |
| 155 | 1322222222 |       NULL   |
| 156 | 1312345678 | 1318765432   |
| 156 | 1318765432 |       NULL   |

2. Find the rows where greater_time is not only greater but next_time

The best way to filter all of these useless rows is to find out if there are times between time (greater than) and greater_time (lesser than) for this id.

    i1.time AS time,
    i2.time AS next_time,
    i3.time AS intrudor_time
    idtimes AS i1
    LEFT JOIN idtimes AS i2 ON = AND i2.time > i1.time
    LEFT JOIN idtimes AS i3 ON = AND i3.time > i1.time AND i3.time < i2.time

ops, we still have a false next_time!

| id  | time       | next_time    | intrudor_time |
| 155 | 1300000000 | 1311111111   |         NULL  |
| 155 | 1300000000 | 1322222222   |    1311111111 |
| 155 | 1311111111 | 1322222222   |         NULL  |
| 155 | 1322222222 |       NULL   |         NULL  |
| 156 | 1312345678 | 1318765432   |         NULL  |
| 156 | 1318765432 |       NULL   |         NULL  |

Just filter the rows where this event happens, adding the WHERE constraint below

    i3.time IS NULL

Voilà, we have what we need!

| id  | time       | next_time    | intrudor_time |
| 155 | 1300000000 | 1311111111   |         NULL  |
| 155 | 1311111111 | 1322222222   |         NULL  |
| 155 | 1322222222 |       NULL   |         NULL  |
| 156 | 1312345678 | 1318765432   |         NULL  |
| 156 | 1318765432 |       NULL   |         NULL  |

I hope that you still need an answer after 4 years!

Before presenting the solution, I should note it is not pretty. It would be much easier if you had some AUTO_INCREMENT column on your table (do you?)

SELECT, l.time, 
  idtimes AS l 
  LEFT JOIN idtimes AS r ON ( =
  l.time < r.time
GROUP BY, l.time


  • Same join as yours: join two tables, the right one only gets the higher times
  • GROUP BY both columns from left table: this ensures we get all (id, time) combinations (which are also known to be unique).
  • For each (, l.time), get the first r.time which is greater than l.time. This happens with first ordering the r.times via GROUP_CONCAT(r.time ORDER BY r.time), the by slicing first token via SUBSTRING_INDEX.

Good luck, and, don't expect good performance if this table is large.