How do I prevent LaTeX from creating en-dash and em-dash?

-- and --- are TeX ligatures (like fl or fi). Disabling ligatures is one of the features of package microtype. You may deactivate all ligatures of all fonts:


or only the ligatures of the rm-family:


or only the ligatures -- and --- of all fonts:


or of one family, e.g. the tt-family:

\textrm{---} but \texttt{---}

See the manual of package microtype for more information about disabling ligatures.

You could use {-}{-} and {-}{-}{-} for en-dash and em-dash respectively, or define a command \dash that does this:

enter image description here

  & Default & \verb!{ }! & \verb!\dash! \\ \hline
  \verb!-! & - & {-} & \dash \\
  \verb!--! & -- & {-}{-} & \dash\dash \\
  \verb!---! & --- & {-}{-}{-} & \dash\dash\dash \\ \hline

I assume you'll be able to differentiate between math and text mode, since using {-} or \dash in math mode would mess up operator spacing.

\protected\def-{\normalhyphen\ifmmode\else\kern0pt \fi}

You won't be able to specify negative dimensions by -, but you can say

\setlength{\mylen}{\normalhyphen 3pt}