How can I improve the look of an arrowhead at the end of a small-radius arc?

TikZ 3.0.0 provides a bending library for arrow tips placed on non-straight paths (see 16.3.8 Bending and Flexing on pgfmanual).

Loading the library makes flex=1 the default choice, but sometimes it worth to use custom values:


\draw[->] (0,0) arc (00:290:.15cm); % <= default flex=1

\draw[-{>[flex=0.75]}] (0,0) arc (00:290:.15cm); % <= custom flex, better output


Output with flex=1:

enter image description here

Output with flex=0.75:

enter image description here

You can add a small unseen straight line at the end - to correct the arrow direction. You can use the shorten option. Like this:


  \draw[->, shorten >=-1pt] (0,0) arc (00:290:.15cm);

Arc with arrow

Edit: This answer was written before I knew about Bending and Flexing in the pgfmanual 16.3.8 that is specific for this purpose. See answer by @Claudio Fiandrino.