Appendix - Adding PDF

Here is an adapted version of the code given in the answer I linked to. You will need to adjust this depending on the class and packages you are using and on how full the pages of your PDFs are. The code below is conservative and assumes the pages are quite full though the sample PDF I included doesn't meet this requirement so the pages look too empty. I'm guessing your PDFs are fuller but obviously that's just a guess.


\NewDocumentCommand\headerspdf{ O {pages=-} m }{% [options for include pdf]{filename.pdf}
\NewDocumentCommand\secpdf{somO{1}m}{% [short title]{section title}[page specification]{filename.pdf} --- possibly starred




\secpdf*{PDF on Starred Section Page}[3]{/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mwe/mwe.pdf}

\section{Include PDF after Section Page}

\secpdf{PDF on Section Page}[4]{/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mwe/mwe.pdf}

\secpdf[Short Title]{PDF on Section Page with Short Title}{/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mwe/mwe.pdf}


Sample output:

PDF following section heading with headings

Alternatively, I add the PDF as follows:

\includepdf[pages=-,offset=75 -75]{myfile.pdf}

Just in case someone else stumbles on this looking for an answer. I found that you could just use the \section{appendix} command as part of the pagecommand:

  \includepdf[pages=2,scale=0.9,offset=0mm -75,pagecommand={


