Remove List of [newfloat] from TOC

If you want to do it with \newfloat, here's a way for getting the same functionality of the list printing macros of memoir:


%% we define a helper macro for adjusting lists of new floats to
%% accept a * behind them for not being shown in the TOC, like
%% the other list printing commands in memoir

\AdjustForMemoir{dirfigure} % prepare `\listofdirfigures` so it accepts a *



If you use \listofdirfigures without the *, the list will go in the TOC.

This works by exploiting the fact that the last commands executed when \listofdirfigures is called are (in a group)


but the newfloat package takes care to redefine things so that \listoffigures will do the right thing. The hook is usually empty, but it's irrelevant. I redefine \listofdirfigures (or better, the alternative version which is called \listofdirfigure) to look for a following *; in this case I append \append@star to the hook, so TeX will eventually see


in case \listofdirfigures* is called; this will become \listoffigures* as wanted. In case no * appears, nothing is changed.

I provided an \AdjustForMemoir macro so that every new float list making command can be modified in that way.

For reference, the memoir only way:

\newlistof{listofdirfigures}{dirf}{List of Dirfigures}

