Getting started with JavaCC

The version of JavaCC 6.0 that I downloaded today (2013.07.22) did not have a complete bin directory. It was missing all the script files! Hopefully this will be remedied soon.

For OS X and other unix/linux variants, the missing script file is called javacc, should be executable, and should contain the following:

JAR="`dirname $0`/lib/javacc.jar"

case "`uname`" in
     CYGWIN*) JAR="`cygpath --windows -- "$JAR"`" ;;

java -classpath "$JAR" javacc "$@"

Add the bin directory to your PATH (omitting the backslash -- as pointed out by Ahmed Masud) and all should be ticketty boo. If your OS comes from Redmond or you want to run jjtree or jjdoc, just download javacc-5.0 and copy the script files (NOT the lib directory!!!!) from the 5.0 bin directory to the 6.0 bin directory.

Update (2020): Since version 6 is now harder to find, I have put a copy at

In Windows, I also had no javacc and have to use

java -cp bin\lib\javacc.jar javacc

instead. This is very frustrating because all docs propose to use javacc, which we miss. Yet, I see that javacc was defined in the old javacc 5.0. I see javacc.bat there

java -classpath "%~dp0lib\javacc.jar;%~dp0lib\javacc.jar;%~f0\..\lib\javacc.jar" javacc %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

more javacc:

#!/bin/sh JAR="`dirname $0`/lib/javacc.jar"

case "`uname`" in
     CYGWIN*) JAR="`cygpath --windows -- "$JAR"`" ;; esac

java -classpath "$JAR" javacc "$@"

more jjtree:

#!/bin/sh JAR="`dirname $0`/lib/javacc.jar"

case "`uname`" in
     CYGWIN*) JAR="`cygpath --windows -- "$JAR"`" ;; esac

java -classpath "$JAR" jjtree "$@"

Create these scripts in the bin folder of your javacc-6.0/bin.

make a chmod :

chmod 755 javacc
chmod 755 jjtree


