Google Maps Zoom in on Marker with One Click Multiple Markers

Looks like you have a scope problem.

Try this as eventlistener:

google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {

this works here:

Try This to get the smoothZoom to work:

Remove the "self" from the line in the smoothZoom function i.e

else {
                y = google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function(event){
                    smoothZoom(map, max, cnt + 1);

Basically It wasn't working for me, so I brought up the error console on my browser and so it was erroring at this point saying that self.smoothZoom wasn't a function.

I removed the "self" and it works. Had some playing to do with the setTimeout variable to make it smoother. But at least it works :)