mockito better expected exception test using spy

Use catch-exception library, or I guess that the solution you are looking for is your second implementation.

@expected doesn't provide any way to assert on the thrown exception except for its class, so you can't avoit try/catching (not that much boiler plate code !)

Mockito doesn't provide something likes a verifyThrows method.

So you can trade try/catching for an additional library : using catch-exception, you'll be able to catch exception in a single line and have it ready for further assertion(s).

Sample source code

A a = new A();


        .hasMessageContaining("is not allowed to add counterparties")



If A is your system under test, it doesn't make any sense to mock it, and it rarely makes sense to spy on it. Your implementation in testExpectedException2 is the right one; the boilerplate code is necessary because without a try block Java will not let any code run after the method is intercepted (as I described in this previous SO answer).

Though Mockito won't be any help, JUnit will. The @Test(expected=foo) parameter actually has a more-flexible alternative, the built-in ExpectedException JUnit rule:

public class CheckExceptionsWithMockitoTest {

  @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();

  public void testExpectedException1() {
    A a = new A();

Mockito would come in handy in a separate test checking whether your method wraps an arbitrary exception while preserving its message, which would look roughly like this:

public void doSomethingShouldWrapExceptionWithPassedMessage() {
  Dependency dependency = Mockito.mock(Dependency.class);
  when( IllegalArgumentException("quux"));
  A a = new A(dependency);

Be careful to avoid the temptation to make this a common pattern in your tests. If you are catching an exception thrown from your system under test, you're effectively ceding control back to the SUT's consumer. There should be little left to test in the method afterwards, except the properties of the exception and MAYBE the state of your system, both of which should be rare enough that try/catch boilerplate is forgivable.