Fourth grade math homework for the week: A most inefficient traveling salesman

Mathematica, 55 or 90 bytes

Mathematica you said? ;)


This is an anonymous function that first takes the positions of the friends (in any order), and then the target length. It returns Missing[NotFound], if no such path exists.

FirstCase[Permutations@#,p_/;Tr@Abs@Differences@p==#2]&[{0, 5, 7, 13, 16, 17}, 62]
(* {7, 16, 0, 17, 5, 13} *)

I can save four bytes if returning all valid paths is allowed (FirstCase -> Cases).

Returning an array of strings is a bit more cumbersome:


Python 2, 154 148 bytes

(or 118 bytes for the general solution)

This program accepts a line with a list and an integer like '[0, 5, 7, 13, 16, 17], n' on stdin and prints a path on the output of length n or nothing if impossible.

# echo "[0, 5, 7, 13, 16, 17], 62" | python 
['G', 'J', 'E', 'K', 'F', 'H']

It is challenging to write small programs in Python that require permutations. That import and use is very costly.

from itertools import*
for b in permutations(a):
 if sum(abs(p-q)for p,q in zip(b[1:],b))==c:print['EFGHJK'[a.index(n)]for n in b];break

The source for the OP requirement before the minifier:

from itertools import*

puzzle, goal = input()
for option in permutations(puzzle):
    if sum(abs(p-q) for p,q in zip(option[1:], option)) == goal :
        print ['EFGHJK'[puzzle.index(n)] for n in option];

The general solution (not minified):

from itertools import*

puzzle, goal = input()
for option in permutations(puzzle):
    if sum(abs(p-q) for p,q in zip(option[1:], option)) == goal :
        print option;

Due to the simple algorithm and vast number of combinations, execution for more than 20 initial positions will be very slow.

J (48 or 65)

I hypothesize that this can be golfed a hell of a lot more. Feel free to use this as a jumping off point to golf it further


Or with letters:


What it does:

   62 (]A.~[:I.(=([:([:+/}:([:|-)}.)"1(A.~([:i.[:!#))))) 0 5 7 13 16 17
 7 16  0 17  5 13
 7 16  5 17  0 13
 7 17  0 16  5 13
 7 17  5 16  0 13
13  0 16  5 17  7
13  0 17  5 16  7
13  5 16  0 17  7
13  5 17  0 16  7

(I hope this I/O format is okay...)

How it does it:


Generates all permutations of the input


Calculates the distance

(]A.~[: I. (= ([:distance perms)))

Sees which results are the same as the input, and re-generates those permutations (I suspect some characters can be shaved off here)

With letters:


Create a list of the first n letters, where n is the length of the input list

indices A. [: letters ]

does the same as above