Anagramming Stack Exchange question titles into programs

Golfscript, 3 lines with no added characters

"Questions Tags Users Badge"'exception SLSATE[HY000][1049]eymfny incnue while pn chma afte intallin FOSBundl'or
"s Unanswered Ask "'Reoccurring error The current idetity(NT THORITY\NETWORK SERVICE)oe ot have it cc toC:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framewor\v2.0.50727\Tempary ASP.NET Files'or
"Question""D he 'S'  SL stand f standard or strctured?"or

I hit StackOverflow, since it probably had the most (useful) posts. A lot of Qs could be found in jQuery and SQL.


  • exception "SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Base 'symfony' inconnue" while updating schema after installing FOSUserBundle
  • Reoccurring error "The current identity (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE) does not have write access to 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files'"
  • Does the 'S' in SQL stand for "standard" or "structured"?

Uses two strings each line, and takes the first one with or. I don't know any proper Golfscript, but I tested it here.

It's possible to get the necessary quotes in two lines, but you'll need a language that lets you dump chars.

Python 2, score = 2

print '''               &''(()),..===>>?''HHIMMMMPPaaaaabccdddeeeeeeeeeegggimmmmnnnnnoooooprrrrsstwyy''' and 'questions tags users \
badges unanswered ask question'.title() or '             $.?IIWaaabbccccccceeefghhhhhhiijjkklllllmmnnnoooprrrstttttttuxyyz'

I couldn't quite get it in one line, so here's a fairly straightforward solution in two.

I found the questions on Stack Overflow by regexing through the 50,000 longest titles:

  • How do I get PHP to ignore unescaped ampersands in query string (e.g. ?name=M&M's doesn't become array('name' => 'M', 'M\'s' => ''))
  • I'm using jquery backstretch and horizontal scrolling. Why does it jump back to the left when I call $.backstretch('next')?

Here's my best attempt at a one-liner for anyone who's going for it (feel free to use it):

print "questions tags users badges unanswered ask question".title() or AHHRUaacccceeeeeeeeeffghikkllmnnnooooooorrrrrrrtwwwy

How to guarantee uniqueness of a referrer who clicks on a link in a remote webpage("Request.UserHostAddress" not working correctly)?

Pyth, 2, 1 line with 1 extra character.

r"questions tags users badges unanswered ask question"tyhgkk)            (.?AHHRUaacccceeeeeeeeeeffiiilllmnnnnooooooooprrrrrrrrtttwww

Uses grc's How to guarantee uniqueness of a referrer who clicks on a link in a remote webpage("Request.UserHostAddress" not working correctly)?, which unfortunately requires an extra s to work.