Complexity-free Kolmogorov(-Smirnov)

APL (29 24)

(Thanks to Zgarb for the extra inspiration.)


This is a function that takes the arrays as its left and right arguments.

      8 9 9 5 5 0 3 {⌈/|-⌿⍺⍵∘.(+/≤÷(⍴⊣))∊⍺⍵} 4 9 0 5 5 0 4 6 9 10 4 0 9 


{⌈/                                maximum of
   |                               the absolute value of
    -⌿                             the difference between
      ⍺⍵∘.(         )∊⍺⍵          for both arrays, and each element in both arrays
            +/≤                    the amount of items in that array ≤ the element
               ÷                   divided by
                (⍴⊣)              the length of that array

J - 39

I'm sure can be shorten much more



2 10 10 10 1 6 7 2 10 4 7 >./@:|@((,f])-(,f[)) 7 7 9 9 6 6 5 2 7 2 8

Python 3, 132 108 95 88

f=lambda a,x:sum(n>x for n in a)/len(a)
g=lambda a,b:max(abs(f(a,x)-f(b,x))for x in a+b)

The input are 2 lists to the function g

Thanks to: Sp3000, xnor, undergroundmonorail

Line 2, first call to f reads like "fax". I found that mildly amusing