Encode a program with the fewest distinct characters possible

Python -> Python, 8 distinct characters

def minimal_python(input_code):
    """Convert Python code to minimal Python code."""

    # Create a list of the ordinal numbers of <input_code>'s characters.
    # '%' signs have to be treated specially and are represented with -1.
    ords = []
    num_escaped_chars = 0
    for char in input_code:
        if char == '%':
            num_escaped_chars += 1

    modulo_sign_escape = '%' * 2**num_escaped_chars
    def formatters():
        num_escaped_chars_so_far = 0
        for o in ords:
            if o == -1:
                yield modulo_sign_escape
                yield '%' * 2**num_escaped_chars_so_far + 'c'
                num_escaped_chars_so_far += 1
    format_str = "'" + ''.join(formatters()) + "'"

    values_str = ''.join('%' + '-~'*o + '0' for o in ords if o != -1)

    return 'exec' + format_str + values_str

This uses modulo formatting to rebuild the input string. For example, print 1 results in this program:


In theory you can encode any program like this, but the resulting program will always have more than 2n characters, where n is the number of characters in the input, not including % symbols.

GolfScript / GolfScript, score 4


The encoder itself is a GolfScript program which takes the original code on STDIN and transforms it into a sequence of characters ',+~. This output itself is valid GolfScript code which performs the same operations as the original version.

The basic method consists of an encoding of the code as a string (using chars ',+, see below) and then evaluate this string using the eval command ~.

If one concatenates any string together with an array of numbers in GolfScript the numbers are converted to code points and the result is a string itself. Thus the string encoding simply builds a list of numbers (from the code points of the input code) and then concatenates all those with an empty string.


The input code


is translated into (note: line breaks and comments added for readability)

# initialize an empty array []

# append number 34 (length of string ',,, ... ,,,')

# ... other numbers

# result is array [34 104 105 34 10 112]

# append empt string, i.e. convert array to string (results in "\"hi\"\np")

# evaluate

CJam -> CJam, score: 3

CJam is newer than the question so it's not eligible to win.


It uses ')~. ') is the character ), and each extra ) increments it by one. ~ can evaluate a character or a string. The complete program is evaluated after concatenating all the characters by evaluating +. And an integer of the character value and a number-to-character operation is evaluated for each character less than ).



is translated into:




is translated into:
