Calculate the date of Easter

Python 2 - 125 120 119 chars

This is Fors's answer shamelessly ported to Python.


Edit: Changed last line from print"%d-0%d-%02d"%(y,b/31,b%31+1) to save 5 characters. I would have loved to represent 10000 as 1e4, but that would produce floating point necessitating a call to int.

Edit2: Thanks to Peter Taylor for showing how to get rid of that 10000 and save 1 character.

GolfScript (85 chars)

~:^100/.)3*4/.@8*13+25/-^19%.19*15+@+30%.@11/+29/23--.@-^.4/++7%97--^[email protected]/100*\31%)+

Sample usage:

$ golfscript.rb <<<2013

Note that this uses a different algorithm to most of the current answers. To be specific, I've adapted the algorithm attributed to Lichtenberg in the resource linked by Sean Cheshire in a comment on the question.

The original algorithm, assuming sensible types (i.e. not JavaScript's numbers) and with an adaptation to give month*31+day (using day offset of 0) is

K = Y/100
M = 15 + (3*K+3)/4 - (8*K+13)/25
S = 2 - (3*K+3)/4
A = Y%19
D = (19*A+M) % 30
R = (D + A/11)/29
OG = 21 + D - R
SZ = 7 - (Y + Y/4 + S) % 7
OE = 7 - (OG-SZ) % 7
return OG + OE + 92

I extracted a common subexpression and did some other optimisations to reduce to

K = y/100
k = (3*K+3)/4
A = y%19
D = (19*A+15+k-(8*K+13)/25)%30
G = 23+D-(D+A/11)/29
return 97+G-(G+y+y/4-k)%7

This approach has slightly more arithmetic operations than the other one (Al Petrofsky's 20-op algorithm), but it has smaller constants; GolfScript doesn't need to worry about the extra parentheses because it's stack-based, and since each intermediate value in my optimised layout is used precisely twice it fits nicely with GolfScript's limitation of easy access to the top three items on the stack.

PHP 154

150 chars if I switch to YYYYMMDD instead of YYYY-MM-DD.


With Line Breaks:

$y = $argv[1];
$a = $y / 100 |0;
$b = $a >> 2;
$c = ($y % 19 * 351 - ~($b + $a * 29.32 + 13.54) * 31.9) / 33 % 29 |0;
$d = 56 - $c - ~($a - $b + $c - 24 - $y / .8) % 7;
echo $d > 31 ? "$y-04-".($d - 31) : "$y-03-$d";

Useage: php easter.php 1997
Output: 1997-03-30

Useage: php easter.php 2001
Output: 2001-04-15



Code Golf