Write a function that reduces compositions of linear operators

GolfScript, 41 40 23 19 characters


Thanks to Peter Taylor for pointing out this solution. Accepts two function bodies as arguments.

The following examples show how to use function k:

# As function
{2*3+} {3*4+} k         # => {11 6 @*+}

# Apply to value
5 {2*3+} {3*4+} k ~     # => 41

If one wants to retain the original output format, the following 22 character solution is possible:


{2*3+} {3*4+} k         # => {6 * 11 +}

Explanation of the code:

{                       # on stack are functions g h
  2,                    # build array [0 1] -> g h [0 1]
  0+                    # append 0 -> g h [0 1 0]
  %                     # apply function h to each element -> g [h(0) h(1) h(0)]
  /                     # apply function g to each element
                        # and break up the array -> g(h(0)) g(h(1)) g(h(0))
  -                     # subtract last two -> g(h(0)) g(h(1))-g(h(0))
  {@*+}++               # append function body to these values
}:k;                    # save function to variable k

Mathematica 15

Define g, h as pure functions

g and h are defined as pure functions (awaiting a value or independent variable to be assigned)

g = 2 # + 3 &;
h = 3 # + 4 &;

3 + 2 x
4 + 3 x

Method #1: Compose g of h directly (15 chars)


11 + 6 x

Or, alternatively: (17 chars)


Method #2: Define f (25 chars= 13 + 10 chars for Simplify)



f[g, h][x]
f[g, h][x] // Simplify
Composition[g, h][x]//Simplify
f[g, h][1]
Table[f[g, h][x], {x, 1, 13}]

3 + 2 (4 + 3 x)
11 + 6 x
11 + 6 x
{17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83, 89}

Haskell, 31

(f%g)x=f(g 0)+x*(f(g 1)-f(g 0))

Version in which the function body contains only variables (equivalent at run time, but closer to the question's form), 38 characters:

(f%g)x=a*x+b where h=f.g;b=h 0;a=h 1-b

Note that in both cases, since Haskell uses curried functions, there is no explicit construction of the composed function as it is implicit in % being defined with three arguments: function f, function g, value x.

Example use:

> ((\x -> 2*x + 3)%(\x -> 3*x + 4)) 0
> ((\x -> 2*x + 3)%(\x -> 3*x + 4)) 4

Ungolfed second form:

(f % g) x = a * x + b        -- equivalent: (f % g) = \x -> a * x + b
    h = f . g                -- use built in function composition to bootstrap
    b = h 0                  -- constant term of composed function
    a = h 1 - h 0            -- linear term of composed function