Double-tilde over symbol

One of these?




    \[ \vardbtilde{z}\quad \dbtilde{z} \]%


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A variation on my answer here: double tilde symbol under letter. Here, \tsup takes an optional argument specifying the number of symbols to overset (default 2).



enter image description here

Here's a version that uses the proper tilde glyph and works across 10-12pt fontsize range:

\tilde z=\tsup[1]{z}\neq\tsup{\Lambda}\neq\tsup[3]{\Delta}\neq\tsup[4]{\psi}
\tilde z=\tsup[1]{z}\neq\tsup{\Lambda}\neq\tsup[3]{\Delta}\neq\tsup[4]{\psi}

enter image description here

In both MWE's the only issue missing is the italic kerning of the overset. That could be somewhat addressed globally (not for each particular character) with a little \kern


enter image description here

The tipa package has \doubletilde. However, it is not made for math mode, so you have to cheat a bit:





enter image description here


