How do I get `\captionof`s to be colored, when in `\makenote`s?

\makenote* redefines \color to do nothing and so the internal code of captions can't change the color. You can use another command but be aware that \makenote* has perhaps a reason for the redefinition: It is quite possible that the blue color leaks out.



\usepackage{scrlayer-notecolumn} %must be loaded ``Lastest''
\RedeclareNoteColumn[font = \color{blue}]{marginpar} %default

\captionsetup{font={bluecaptionfont}, labelfont=bluecaptionfont}


    here is the main text
        \captionof{figure}{This should be blue}

        \tracingmacros=1 \captionof{figure}{Normal captionof's are blue}

        Normal notes are blue

A perhaps safer alternative is to locally redefine \normalcolor. Then caption can't reset the color and the color in the note wins:

    \captionof{figure}{This should be blue}

enter image description here