Chemistry - Do electronic balance weighings still need to be corrected for buoyancy error?

Solution 1:

A balance cannot determine the density of the weighted material and air automatically. For this reason a buoyancy error correction must be applied for high precision measurements.

Suppose you weigh $\pu{100.0000 g}$ water and have $\pu{100.0000 g}$ reference weights with a density of $\pu{8.0000 g cm^{-3}}$. Then the static buoyancy in air is equivalent to about $\pu{120 mg}$ and $\pu{15 mg}$ respectively, accounting for a difference of about $\pu{105 mg}$ in the reading of the balance.

Besides the static buoyancy there may also be dynamic buoyancy due to air flow caused by temperature differences between the weighted material and the surrounding air.

Dynamic buoyancy can be avoided be weighing in thermal equilibrium. Static buoyancy can be corrected by formulae involving the density of air, the density of the weighted material and the density of the reference weights.

Solution 2:

I think they must as the density of the material being weighed will change the correction. eg. The buoyancy of lead is much different from that of feathers.
