Different proofs in amsmath with different QED symbol?

Here is a direct solution just using the AMS packages. We set up a new environment myproof, which is proof but containing a redefinition of the \qedsymbol.

Sample output



\newcommand*{\myproofname}{My proof}


  Usual proof.

  New proof style.

  Standard proof
    a = b. \qedhere

\begin{myproof}[Short new style]
  New proof style
    a = b. \qedhere


I also tend to use ntheorem as Bernard show. Just wanted to add how I'd do this with amsthm:





\begin{proof}[Proof of ...]


\begin{proof*}[Proof of ...]


This is quite easy with the ntheorem package. Moreover, it manages correctly the placement of end-of-proof symbols when the proof ends in a displayed equation. I added the cleveref package to show how it manages reference types (if the cited theorem were to become a proposition, for instance, its reference would be changed accordingly):


\usepackage[thmmarks, amsmath, thref]{ntheorem}




\begin{theorem}[Some theorem]\label{thm:some-theorem}
This is an important theorem.

This is a very important proof.

\begin{proof}[of \cref{thm:some-theorem}]
This is a very important proof.

\begin{blackproof}[of \cref{thm:some-theorem}]
This is a very important proof.
    a & = b\\ c & = d.


enter image description here

