Biblatex: multiple citation numbers all within same bracket with the ieee style

You should be OK by simply using the ieee style for the bibliography but the standard numeric-comp for the citations. For example

  editor        = "J. C. Candy and G. C. Temes",
  title         = "Oversampling Delta-Sigma Data Converters Theory,
                   Design and Simulation",
  publisher     = "{IEEE} Press.",
  location      = "New York",
  year          = "1992"

  author        = "A. Castaldini and A. Cavallini and B. Fraboni
                   and P. Fernandez and J. Piqueras",
  title         = "Midgap Traps Related to Compensation Processes in
                   {CdTe} Alloys",
  journaltitle  = "Phys. Rev. B.",
  volume        = "56",
  number        = "23",
  year          = "1997",
  pages         = "14897-14900"

  author        = "M. Coates and A. Hero and R. Nowak and B. Yu",
  title         = "Internet Tomography",
  journaltitle  = "IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun.",
  month         = 05,
  year          = "2002",
  note          = "to be published"



\cite{IEEEexample:bookwitheditor, IEEEexample:TBPmisc, IEEEexample:articlelargepages}



(I've included some bibliography data purely to create a self-contained demo.)

Notice that for citations that should be bracketed together, compressed into a range and so on you should use one \cite command and a comma-list of keys within the argument.