Build an analog clock

Javascript 370 - 74 = 296

(This only works in Chrome because I'm abusing the fact that element IDs are added to the global scope).

(function loop(){
    M=Math;p=M.PI/2;z=M.pow;q=M.sqrt;d=new Date();h=(d.getHours()%12/3*p+p)%(p*4);m=(d.getMinutes()/15*p+p)%(p*4);s=(d.getSeconds()/15*p+p)%(p*4);e=49;o='';

            E=(d<e*.8&&M.abs(m-a)*d<.5) || (d<e*.5&&M.abs(h-a)*d<.5) || (d<e*1&&M.abs(s-a)*d<.5);

Golfed (370):

!function L(){p=M.PI/2;q=p*4;P=M.pow;d=new Date();s=(d.getSeconds(S=d.getMinutes(e=40))/15*p+p)%q;m=(S/15*p+p)%q;h=(d.getHours(A=M.abs)%12/3*p+S/180*p+p)%q;for(r=o='';r<81;r++,o+='\n')for(c=0;c<81;){d=M.sqrt(P(r-e,2)+P(c-e,2));a=(M.atan2(e-r,e-c++)+q)%q;o+='○●'[d-e>0|d<e*.8&A(m-a)*d<1|d<e/2&A(h-a)*d<1|d<e&A(s-a)*d<1|e-d<5&a%p==0]}O.innerText=o;setTimeout(L,9)}(M=Math)

Sample Output (much more condensed in demo):


Python, 328 - 65 = 263

Prints a new clock every second, with the minute hand updating every minute.

import math,time
def p(t,r):c[int(25-r*math.cos(t))][int(25+r*math.sin(t))]='*'
while 1:
 time.sleep(1);c=[[' ']*50 for i in range(50)];t=time.localtime();h=t.tm_hour*6.283+t.tm_min/9.549
 for i in range(999):
    for q in range(12):p(q/1.91,24-i*.005)
 for y in range(50):print''.join(c[y])

The clocks it prints look like this (it's not as stretched in my terminal):

               ****      *     ****               
             ***         *        ***             
           ***           *          ***           
          ** **          *         ** **          
         **   *                    *   **         
        **    **                  **    **        
       *       *                  *      **       
      **                                  **      
     **                                    **     
    **                                      **    
    *                                        *    
   ***                                      ***   
   * ***                                  *** *   
  **   **                                **   **  
  *                                            *  
  *                                            *  
 **                                            ** 
 *                                              * 
 *   *                                          * 
 *   ******                                     * 
 *        ******                                * 
 *             ******                           * 
 *                  *****                       * 
 *****                   *                  ******
 *                       **                     * 
 *                        **                    * 
 *                         *                    * 
 *                         **                   * 
 *                          **                  * 
 **                          **                ** 
  *                           *                *  
  *                           *                *  
  **   **                                **   **  
   * ***                                  *** *   
   ***                                      ***   
    *                                        *    
    **                                      **    
     **                                    **     
      **                                  **      
       *       *                  *       *       
        **    **                  **    **        
         **   *                    *   **         
          ** **          *         ** **          
           ***           *          ***           
             ***         *        ***             
               ****      *     ****               

Mathematica 207 - 42 = 165

The ticks and hour labels are placed on the unit circle. H and M revolve around the clock center showing the whole number of completed hours and minutes, respectively. S updates its position several times each second.

Two versions are shown: a version that plots text in the Cartesian plane, and another that displays text characters in a grid.

This version plots the characters into the Cartesian plane.

d = Dynamic; t = Table; x = Text;i_~u~k_ := {Sin[2 \[Pi] i/k], Cos[2 \[Pi] i/k]};
d[{f = Date[], Clock[{1, 1}, 1]}]
Graphics[d@{t[x[".", u[i, 60]], {i, 60}],t[x[i, u[i, 12]], {i, 12}],
x["H", .7 u[f〚4〛, 12]],x["M", .8 u[f〚5〛, 60]],x["S", .9 u[f〚6〛, 60]]}]

The clock below shows the time 3:08:17.


Terminal or Grid Version: 430 316 chars (253 with bonus discount)

This version works much the same, but places the characters in a 61 x 61 cell grid rather than in the Cartesian plane. It could still be golfed a bit, but I merely wanted to show a (sloppier) terminal-like output in Mathematica.

d = Dynamic; i_~u~k_ := Round /@ (10 {Sin[2 \[Pi] (i + 3 k/4)/k], 
Cos[2 \[Pi] (i + 3 k/4)/k]}); d[{f = Date[], Clock[]}]
z = Round /@ (# u[f[[#2]], #3] + 11) -> #4 &;
t = Table[( u[i, 12] + 11) -> i, {i, 12}];
d@Grid[ReplacePart[ConstantArray["", {21, 21}],
Join[z @@@ {{.9, 5, 60, "M"}, {.8, 4, 12, "H"}},
DeleteCases[Table[( u[i, 60] + 11) -> "*", {i, 60}], x_ /; MemberQ[t[[All, 1]], x[[1]]]], t]]]

The clock below displays 11:06.

terminal clock

Just for fun:

Here's a non-Ascii version of the analog clock. (60 chars) No external libraries were used.

Dynamic@Refresh[ClockGauge@AbsoluteTime[], UpdateInterval -> 1]
