Bibliography style with elsarticle

You should specify authoryear in the class options.

 author={J. A. L. Diamond},
 title={Some Like It Hot},
 journal={J. High Level Cinema},


\usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=black, citecolor=blue, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}


\section{The Model}

The main environment modifies that of \cite{Diamond1965}, into two main dimensions



The filecontents* environment is just to make the example selfcontained, you don't need it; change the \bibliography line to have the name of your .bib file.

Yes, I know that “Some Like It Hot” wasn't shot in 1965. ;-)

enter image description here

Adding the authoryear to natbib is not a solution, because the elsarticle class already loads it, so having


in the preamble will only cause an error about conflicting options.

Since you're using the elsarticle document class, you may want to use the elsarticle-harv instead of the plainnat bibliography style. As its name suggests, elsarticle-harv.bst gives you authoryear-style citations -- aka harvard-style citations -- and references that are formatted according to the guidelines of most Elsevier-run journals that require authoryear-style citations.

Moreover, in order to activate full authoryear style (with years rather than numbers), authoryear should be specified as a documentclass option:


(This information added after the OP posted an MWE.)

if you are using the elsevier reference style (which contains all the packages itself) you can pose bibliography options like this:


