How can I get straight double quotes in listings?

Simply add \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} to your preamble. Note that you don't need the upquote package if you load textcomp and set listings' upquote key to true.

enter image description here

echo "Hello, world!"

For, me the above solutions did not work.

The main problem can be seen in listings.sty, lines 922-943, where a dispatch table of handling special characters in created, but the upquote is only done for single quotes.

One can fix this by adding the following to your preamble:

% ...
    \lst@ProcessOther {"22}{\lst@ifupquote \textquotedbl
                                     \else \char34\relax \fi}
% ...

which monkey-patches that table.

Caveat emptor: this is a terrible hack which relies on modifying internal macros of the listings package. This may arbitrarily and completely break and may even not work on your TeX distro.