ASCII Art "Flight Simulator"

TI-BASIC, 62 bytes

:Input A
:Output(8,1,"----I     I----

Note that TI-BASIC does not support _ or | and therefore I replaced with a capital I and -. This should not effect byte count.

Python 2, 107 bytes

while h:print' '*n+'--O--'+'\n'*h+'____|     |____\n';n-=cmp(n,5);h-=1

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Simply hardcodes the last line for the landing plane. It can likely be golfed by re-using parts from before or being integrated into the loop.

Perl, 94 bytes

93 bytes of code + -p flag.

$\="____|     |____
";$p="--O--";for$i(-5..-1){print$"x$_.$p.$/x-$i;$_+=5<=>$_}$\=~s/ +/$p/}{

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