Find the identity sandpile

Mathematica, 177 157 135 133 bytes


Takes a number n. The output is the identity sandpile. 0 is black, 1 is light gray, 2 is magenta, and 3 is blue-gray.

Sadly, Mathematica does not have a builtin for this...

Uses the algorithm stated in Scott Corry and David Perkinson's paper.

Takes 91.7 seconds on my 5-year-old laptop to calculate the 50x50 identity sandpile. I am confident that a reasonable modern desktop computer is more than 50% faster. (I also have a way faster code at the end).


f= ...

Define function f (the input is a sandpile matrix): a function that ...

BlockMap[ ... ]~FixedPoint~#&

... repeats the BlockMap operation until the output does not change. BlockMap operation: ...


... pad the input array with one layer of 0 ...


... partition it into 3x3 matrices, with offset 1 ...


... and for each partition, add the number of sand grains toppled onto the center cell and the center cell value mod 4.

i.e. the output of f is the stabilized version of the input.


Define k as an n by n array of 6s.


Compute f(k - f(k)).

Colorize[ ... ]

Apply colors to the result.

Faster version (142 bytes)


Same code, but uses built-in list rotation instead of BlockMap. Computes n=50 in 4.0 seconds on my laptop.

Octave, 120 113 bytes

function a=W(a);while nnz(b=a>3);a+=conv2(b,[t=[0 1 0];!t;t],'same')-b*4;end;end;@(n)imagesc(W((x=ones(n)*6)-W(x)))

Thanks to JungHwan Min for providing a link to the reference paper in his Mathematica answer.
Thanks to Stewie Griffin saved me 7 bytes [any(any(x)) -> nnz(x)]

Here two function is used:

1.f: for stabilization of a matrix
2. An anonymous function that takes n as input and shows the identity matrix.

Try It On rextester! for generation of a 50 * 50 matrix

Elapsed time for computation of the matrix: 0.0844409 seconds.


Consider a function f that stabilizes a matrix the task of finding the identity is simply

f(ones(n)*6 - f(ones(n)*6).

that ones(n)*6 means a n*n matrix of 6.

so for n=3:

M = [6 6 6
     6 6 6
     6 6 6];

The result will be f(M-f(M))

For stabilization function 2D convolution used to speed the task; In each iteration we make a binary matrix b with the same size of the input matrix and set it to 1 if corresponding element of the input matrix is >3. Then we apply a 2D convolution of the binary matrix with the following mask

0 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 0

representing four direct neighbors .
Result of convolution is added to the matrix and 4 times the binary matrix subtracted from it.

The loop continued until all element of the matrix are <= 3

Ungolfed version:

function a=stabilize(a)
    mask = [t=[0 1 0];!t;t];
    while any(any(b=a>3))
n= 50;
M = ones(n)*6;
result = stabilize(M-stabilize(M));