Overflow-Proof Buffer

Perl, 37 bytes

35 bytes of code + 2 bytes for -lp flags.


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The implementation is quite straight forward, splice inserts in array @F at index 1+<>%(@F||1) (note that @F||1 handles the case of the array being empty).

Just a few words about the (seemingly) unmatched braces }{ (because I had a comment about it, and I think it's quite weird for people who don't know Perl), and it's a quite common trick in Perl golfings:
-p flag surrounds the code with (roughly) while(<>){ CODE } continue { print }, (the continue is executed after each iteration). So with those unmatched }{, I change my code to while(<>) { CODE}{ } continue { print }. So it creates an empty block right after my code (but that's not a problem), and the continue is executed only once, after the while (ie. when the all the input has been read).

ES6 (Javascript), 58,57,53, 50 bytes



Takes an array of index-value pairs, as input.


  • Use && to return value, -1 byte
  • Removed |0 (as splice apparently can handle NaN just well), -2 bytes
  • Made b=[] a second "argument" to map(), -2 bytes (Thx @ETHproductions !)
  • Replaced b.length with map() index (i), -3 bytes (Thx @Patrick Roberts !)



F([[11, 9], [13, 14]])
[ 11, 13 ]

F([[2, 29], [19, 30], [18, 17], [13, 3], [0, 21], [19, 19], [11, 13], [12, 31], [3, 25]])
[ 2, 13, 3, 11, 0, 12, 19, 18, 19 ]

Haskell, 70 69 bytes

b!(x,i)|b==[]=[x]|j<-1+i`mod`length b=take j b++x:drop j b

Try it online! Usage: foldl(!)[] [(1,5),(2,4),(3,7)]. Saved one byte thanks to @nimi!


b!(x,i)                         -- b!(x,i) inserts x into list b at position i+1
 | b==[] = [x]                  -- if b is empty return the list with element x
 | j <- 1 + i `mod` length b    -- otherwise compute the overflow-save insertion index j
     = take j b ++ x : drop j b -- and return the first j elements of b + x + the rest of b
foldl(!)[]                      -- given a list [(1,2),(3,5),...], insert each element with function ! into the initially empty buffer

Solution without computing the modulus: (90 bytes)

f h t(x,-1)=h++x:t
f h[]p=f[]h p
f h(c:t)(x,i)=f(h++[c])t(x,i-1)

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Code Golf