Adjacent rectangles with label on borders

Yet another approach, but not a TikZ one (with embellishments):


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Like this?



      \node[above right] at (0,1) {7};
      \node[above left]  at (2,1) {6};
      \node[above right] at (2,1) {5};
      \node[above left]  at (5,1) {3};
      \node[above right] at (5,1) {2};
      \node[above left]  at (8,1) {0};
      \draw (0,0) rectangle (2,1);
      \draw (2,0) rectangle (5,1);
      \draw (5,0) rectangle (8,1);


enter image description here

Edit 1: Here's an automated version. You specify the coordinates of the rectangle, the labels, the labels position and a text to be written at the center of the rectangle:




\newcommand{\labeledrectangle}[6]% first point, second point, first label, second label, direction (l r t b), rectangle label
{   \path (#1);
    \path (#2);
    \draw (#1) rectangle node {#6} (#2);
    \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\yfirst > \ysecond}}%
        {   \xdef\ybig{\yfirst}
        {   \xdef\ybig{\ysecond}
    \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\xfirst > \xsecond}}%
        {   \xdef\xbig{\xfirst}
        {   \xdef\xbig{\xsecond}
        {   \node[above left] at (\xsmall,\ysmall) {#3};
            \node[below left] at (\xsmall,\ybig) {#4};
        {   \node[above right] at (\xbig,\ysmall) {#3};
            \node[below right] at (\xbig,\ybig) {#4};
        {   \node[above right] at (\xsmall,\ybig) {#3};
            \node[above left] at (\xbig,\ybig) {#4};
        {   \node[below right] at (\xsmall,\ysmall) {#3};
            \node[below left] at (\xbig,\ysmall) {#4};





enter image description here

Another approach:


\tikzset{myrectangle/.code n args={3}{%
        \node[above] at ($(#1.north west)!0.15!(#1.north)$){#2};
         \node[above] at ($(#1.north east)!0.15!(#1.north)$){#3};

\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm](a){};

\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm,right=0cm of a](b) {};

\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm,right=0cm of b](c) {};

\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=1.5cm, minimum height=0.5cm](a){};

\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=1.5cm, minimum height=0.5cm,right=0cm of a](b) {};

\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=1.5cm, minimum height=0.5cm,right=0cm of b](c) {};


enter image description here


Tikz Pgf