How to shrink a table automatically so that it fits onto a page?

You can use \resizebox from the graphicx package. A little example showing the table with and without the use of \resizebox for comparison purposes (I used [!ht] for this example):

\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate filler text


\caption{Test caption}
Some really reallly long values & 
Some really reallly long values & 
Some really reallly long values & 
Some really reallly long values \\

\caption{Test caption}
Some really reallly long values & 
Some really reallly long values & 
Some really reallly long values & 
Some really reallly long values \\


enter image description here

If you use two column mode, you can have a wide table using both column by using the a star in \begin{table}:


Your table in a two column layout where the table is using both columns:





\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Team 1}\\
\textbf{Caption1} & \textbf{Caption 2} & \textbf{Caption3} & \textbf{Caption 4}\\
Some values & Some values & Some values & Some values\\
\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Team 2}\\
\textbf{Caption1} & \textbf{Caption 2} & \textbf{Caption3} & \textbf{Caption 4}\\
Some values & Some values & Some values & Some values\\



