How to increase the numwidth for a part in ToC?

With a KOMA-Script class there is no additional package needed. You can use


to change the space for the part number in TOC to 2cm.

enter image description here




\part{First part}
\chapter{A chapter}\section{A section}
\chapter{A chapter}\section{A section}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{A chapter}\section{A section}
\chapter{A chapter}\section{A section}
\part{Last part}
\chapter{A chapter}\section{A section}
\chapter{A chapter}\section{A section}

Using the tocloft package, you can redefine \cftpartnumwidth:





\part{Test Part}


enter image description here

Another option, not requiring additional packages is to redefine \l@part as defined in scrbook.cls; here's such a possible redefinition:


  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >-2\relax
    \addvspace{2.25em \@plus\p@}%
    \setlength{\@tempdima}{2cm}% original value: 2em
      \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
      \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
      \hskip -\leftskip
      \ifnum \scr@compatibility>\@nameuse{scr@[email protected]}\relax



\part{Test Part}


Since you are using KOMA-Script, you could have a look at the package tocstyle.


This requires extra compilation runs to calculate the widths of the TOC.