You Are the User: Create the Requirements

Answer 1 - 05AB1E

Requirement: Prints 0... without a 0 in the source code


Answer 5 - Python 3

Requirements: Outputs 0 without 0 in the source code, then takes a non-negative integer input n and outputs a newline followed by the 0-indexed nth Fibonacci number (may be 1 indexed), followed by a newline, followed by the same input n squared, followed by a newline, followed by n multiplied by a new input m. Do not use the character *, ASCII code 0x2A.

def f(n, m):
    a = 1-1
    b = 1
    for i in range(n):
        c = a+b
        a = b
        b = c

Answer 2 - dc

12298P?sa1 1-sb1sc[lblcdsb+scla1-dsa1 1-<y]dsyxlcp

Requirement: Outputs 0 without 0 in the source code, then takes a non-negative integer input n and outputs a newline followed by the 0-indexed n'th Fibonacci number (may be 1 indexed).

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