Simple CSV/DSV importer

Powershell, 25 22/23 bytes

Two Options, one just calls split on the first arg, using the second arg as a delim value.


One byte longer, builtin to parse csvs, takes filename as first arg and delim as second.

ipcsv $args[0] $args[1]

-2 because it doesn't require the -Delimiter (-D) param, and will assume it by default.

sadly powershell cannot pass an array of two params, as it will assume they are both files, and will run the command against it twice, no other two-var input method is shorter than this as far as I can see, so this is likely the shortest possible answer.

ipcsv is an alias for Import-Csv, takes a file name as the first unnamed input, and the delim character as the second by default behavior.

Run against the example from the wiki page returns

PS C:\Users\Connor\Desktop> .\csvparse.ps1 'example.csv' ','

Date     Pupil               Grade
----     -----               -----
25 May   Bloggs, Fred        C
25 May   Doe, Jane           B
15 July  Bloggs, Fred        A
15 April Muniz, Alvin "Hank" A

Japt, 3 bytes


Test it online! (Uses the -Q flag to prettyprint the output)

mqV  // Implicit: U, V = inputs
m    // Map each item in U by the following function:
 qV  //   Split the item at instances of V.
     // Implicit: output result of last expression

Python, 33 bytes

lambda a,c:[x.split(c)for x in a]