Xcode 9 asset catalog Preserves Vector Data not working?

I had the same issue multiple times with the new Preserves Vector Data.

Super simple solution that worked very well for me:

  1. Never set the UIImageView image property in Interface Builder, just leave it empty.
  2. Set the image value programmatically.

Hope it helps.

Edit: Still the same buggy behavior in Xcode 9 GM (9A235)

As of today (Xcode 9 beta 6 9M214v), the image will only be rendered properly (non-blurry) if the UIImageView has at least 3 spacing-related constraints.

eg. spacing to left, spacing to right, spacing to top, and another constraint to define the UIImageView height.

enter image description here

Note also that disabling autolayout completely will make all the UIImageView render incorrectly.

I filled rdar://34306192 (http://www.openradar.me/radar?id=4968083747766272) for this bug.