Transform table to one-hot-encoding of single column value

If I correctly understand, you need conditional aggregation:

select keyword,
count(case when color = 'red' then 1 end) as red,
count(case when color = 'yellow' then 1 end) as yellow
-- another colors here
from t
group by keyword

Another way to achieve the goal in your test case using tablefunc extension and COALESCE() to fill all NULL fields:

postgres=# create table t(keyword varchar,color varchar);
postgres=# insert into t values ('foo','red'),('bar','yellow'),('fobar','red'),('baz','blue'),('bazbaz','green');
postgres=# SELECT keyword, COALESCE(red,0) red, 
 COALESCE(blue,0) blue, COALESCE(green,0) green, 
 COALESCE(yellow,0) yellow 
 FROM crosstab(                         
  $$select keyword, color, COALESCE('1',0) as onehot from test01
    group by 1, 2 order by 1, 2$$,
  $$select distinct color from test01 order by 1$$)
 AS result(keyword varchar, blue int, green int, red int, yellow int);
 keyword | red | blue | green | yellow 
 bar     |   0 |    0 |     0 |      1
 baz     |   0 |    1 |     0 |      0
 bazbaz  |   0 |    0 |     1 |      0
 fobar   |   1 |    0 |     0 |      0
 foo     |   1 |    0 |     0 |      0
(5 rows)


And if you just to obtain the result under psql:

postgres=# select keyword, color, COALESCE('1',0) as onehot from t
  --group by 1, 2 order by 1, 2
  \crosstabview keyword color
 keyword | red | yellow | blue | green 
 foo     |   1 |        |      |      
 bar     |     |      1 |      |      
 fobar   |   1 |        |      |      
 baz     |     |        |    1 |      
 bazbaz  |     |        |      |     1
(5 rows)


To use this code on a table with a high number of columns, use Python to generate your queries:

1) Create a list with unique variables that you want to have as your column names and import this to Python, say as: list.

for item in list:
 print('count(case when item=' +str(item)+ 'then 1 end) as is_'+str(item)+',')

2) Copy the output (minus the last comma on the last row)

3) Then:

select keyword,


from t
group by keyword