Xamarin Forms Swipe Left/Swipe Right Gestures

No need third party libraries.. No need to pay.. Just add these two classes & Implement your swipe listeners

Step 1: Copy paste these two classes


using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace SwipeLib
public class SwipeListener : PanGestureRecognizer
    private ISwipeCallBack mISwipeCallback;
    private double translatedX = 0, translatedY = 0;

    public SwipeListener(View view, ISwipeCallBack iSwipeCallBack)
        mISwipeCallback = iSwipeCallBack;
        var panGesture = new PanGestureRecognizer();
        panGesture.PanUpdated += OnPanUpdated;

    void OnPanUpdated(object sender, PanUpdatedEventArgs e)

        View Content = (View)sender;

        switch (e.StatusType) {

            case GestureStatus.Running:

                try {
                    translatedX = e.TotalX;
                    translatedY = e.TotalY;
                } catch (Exception err) {
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("" + err.Message);

            case GestureStatus.Completed:

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("translatedX : " + translatedX);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("translatedY : " + translatedY);

                if (translatedX < 0 && Math.Abs(translatedX) > Math.Abs(translatedY)) {
                } else if (translatedX > 0 && translatedX > Math.Abs(translatedY)) {
                } else if (translatedY < 0 && Math.Abs(translatedY) > Math.Abs(translatedX)) {
                } else if (translatedY > 0 && translatedY > Math.Abs(translatedX)) {
                } else {





using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace SwipeLib
public interface ISwipeCallBack

    void onLeftSwipe(View view);
    void onRightSwipe(View view);
    void onTopSwipe(View view);
    void onBottomSwipe(View view);
    void onNothingSwiped(View view);

Step 2: From your Xamarin forms pass the view & also interface obj. Then you get result

In my case I pass the label

 SwipeListener swipeListener = new SwipeListener(lbl_swipe, this);

Step 3: Implement the ISwipeCallBack interface

public partial class SwipeLibPage : ContentPage, ISwipeCallBack

Sample project --> https://github.com/rranjithkumar100/Xamarin-Swipe-Library

Xamarin.Forms has introduced SwipeGestureRecognizer :

<BoxView Color="Teal" ...>
        <SwipeGestureRecognizer Direction="Left" Swiped="OnSwiped"/>

You can always have a look at this simple demo. And use it as follows:

GestureFrame gi = new GestureFrame
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
            BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("bf3122"),

        gi.SwipeDown += (s, e) =>
            DisplayAlert("Gesture Info", "Swipe Down Detected", "OK");
            ViewModel.SampleCommand.Execute("Swipe Down Detected");

        gi.SwipeTop += (s, e) =>
            DisplayAlert("Gesture Info", "Swipe Top Detected", "OK");
            ViewModel.SampleCommand.Execute("Swipe Top Detected");

        gi.SwipeLeft += (s, e) =>
            DisplayAlert("Gesture Info", "Swipe Left Detected", "OK");
            ViewModel.SampleCommand.Execute("Swipe Left Detected");

        gi.SwipeRight += (s, e) =>
            DisplayAlert("Gesture Info", "Swipe Right Detected", "OK");
            ViewModel.SampleCommand.Execute("Swipe Right Detected");

        this.Content = gi;