FragmentPagerAdapter update title dynamically

you have 3 fragments so you will use 3 tabs(first tab hav index 0,second 1,third 2). get your tab using index and set her text as title. May this help you bro


TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(;

Okay. So you can have a method in FragmentPagerAdapter that will update the count for notFoundItems, foundItems, itemsForReview. After you update them, call the notifyDataSetChanged().

 public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
        switch (position) {
            case 0: return items + " (" + notFoundItems + ")";
            case 1: return found + " (" + foundItems + ")";
            case 2: return review + " (" + itemsForReview + ")";
        return "";

Also, add this to the your implementation of FragmentPagerAdapter class. So whenever you have a new data count and want to update the title, call this method.

 public void updateTitleData(int notFoundItems, int foundItems, int itemsForReview) {
      this.notFoundItems = notFoundItems;
      this.foundItems = foundItems;
      this.itemsForReview = itemsForReview;

Finally, I solved it by simply re-setting the pager.

private OrdersTabsAdapter tabsAdapter;
@InjectView( SlidingTabLayout ordersTabs;
@InjectView( ViewPager pager;

public void update() {
  tabsAdapter.updateFragments(productId, status);
  ordersTabs.setViewPager(pager); //this helped with the titles

As one of the comments beneath it suggests, the accepted answer looks a bit overkill to me.

Based on Frank's answer, this is what I have done:

public void myUpdatePageTitle(int pagePosition, int numItems) {
    TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(;
    TabLayout.Tab tab = tabLayout.getTabAt(pagePosition);
    if (tab != null) {
        tab.setText(myCalcTabTitle(pagePosition, numItems));

private String myCalcTabTitle(int pagePosition, int numItems) {
    //TODO - For this page, return whatever title string you like, including the numItems value. (The best way to do this is using a string resource that accepts a decimal parameter.)