Xamarin.form Page Navigation in mvvm

One way is you can pass the Navigation through the VM Constructor. Since pages inherit from VisualElement, they directly inherit the Navigation property.

Code behind file:

public class SignIn : ContentPage
    public SignIn(){
       // Note the VM constructor takes now a INavigation parameter
       BindingContext = new LocalAccountViewModel(Navigation);

Then in your VM, add a INavigation property and change the constructor to accept a INavigation. You can then use this property for navigation:

public class LocalAccountViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged

       public INavigation Navigation { get; set;}

        public LocalAccountViewModel(INavigation navigation)
            this.Navigation = navigation;
            this.ContinueBtnClicked = new Command(async () => await GotoPage2());

        public async Task GotoPage2()
             await Navigation.PushAsync(new Page2());


Note an issue with your code that you should fix: The GoToPage2() method must be set async and return the Task type. In addition, the command will perform an asynchronous action call. This is because you must do page navigation asychronously!

Hope it helps!

A simple way is

this.ContinueBtnClicked = new Command(async()=>{

    await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new Page2());

From your VM

public Command RegisterCommand
                return new Command(async () =>
                    await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new RegisterNewUser());
