Writing in Ancient Greek with babel

The perispomeni used to work. The fix is easy, though.

For the dialytika the character to use is ", not ¨.




\textgreek{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, ~a, "i}


enter image description here

On the other hand, you can also directly input the precomposed letters with the diacritics (not with the combining accents).




\textgreek{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, ~a, "i}

\textgreek{ά, ἁ, ἀ, ὰ, ᾳ, ᾶ, ϊ}


enter image description here

Here, there is my answer done with greek.polutoniko package + the \ to have the correct \~a, and \"i.



\textgreek{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, \~a, \"i}


I add the screenshot compiled with LuaLaTeX.

enter image description here

However also your code works fine if you use the correct commands.

\usepackage[greek, english]{babel}

\textgreek{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, \~a, \"i}


enter image description here