Align `\cline` with a double vertical line

Here is a solution with {NiceTabular} of nicematrix. That environment is similar to the classical {tabular} of array but creates PGF/Tikz nodes under the cells, rows and columns. Then, you can use Tikz to draw whatever rule you want.


\tikz \draw (1-|1) -- (2-|1) ;
\tikz \draw (1-|6) -- (2-|6) ;
\tikz \draw ([xshift=-\doublerulesep-\arrayrulewidth]3-|2) -- (3-|5) ;

You need several compilations (because nicematrix uses PGF/Tikz nodes).

Output of the above code

A fast and elegant way with the excellent nicematrix:

    1 & & 2 & 3 & 4 & & 5 \\
      & \makebox[0.1pt]{} & 6 & 7 & 8 & \makebox[0.1pt]{}& \\

enter image description here can create a command with the \makebox[0.1pt]{}

You can arrange an empty column so that you can control the \cline start, or you could use \hhline but you need a version of b (denoted . here) that does not force a double rule width entry into the row.

enter image description here




% add . like b but singleline
  \ifx\@tempb t\HH@add{\rlap{\HH@box\doublerulesep\z@}}\else
  \ifx\@tempb b\HH@add{\rlap{\HH@box\z@\doublerulesep}}\else
  \ifx\@tempb .\HH@add{\smash{\rlap{\HH@box\z@\doublerulesep}}}\else
      {\meaning\@tempb\space ignored in \noexpand\hhline argument%






