Write out referenced chapter number

Use cleveref together with fmtcount:





Dies ist ein Verweis auf \cref{cha:referencing}.


Blame Google if the German is bad.

enter image description here

If you want that also “Kapitel” is in the hyperlink, change the \crefformat line into


and if you want the number name to begin with a capital letter, use \Numberstringnum.

Yes, this is possible, but it's necessary to extract the chapter number first before it can be used. \ref... does not provide a number at all, so refcount and its getrefnumber comes into action. This will produce 1 here.

To get a verbal expression of 1 as Eins here, use \Numberstringnum or \numberstringnum for eins from fmtcount package.



\chapter{Hallo Welt}
I'm referencing Chapter~\Numberstringnum{\getrefnumber{cha:referencing}},~\enquote{\nameref{cha:referencing}}



enter image description here