Arxiv Latex Upload Error

The log file you get says it all:

Package pdfpages Warning: I will use a dummy \includepdf command
(pdfpages) which will NOT insert any pages, because
(pdfpages) you are producing DVI output.

You need that your submission is processed with pdflatex, not with the latex engine that arXiv uses by default.

From the help page of arXiv,

Considerations for PDFLaTeX submissions

arXiv fully supports and recognizes PDFLaTeX. You can ensure pdflatex processing by setting \pdfoutput=1 within the first 5 lines of the preamble of the main pdflatex file. You should not need any other special flag. However since this is a relatively new feature, we urge you to carefully verify the PDF arXiv generates and to report any problems which may surface.

  • Should you need conditional branching in your source, use the ifpdf package. Do not re-invent the wheel. ifpdf provides a robust and well tested mechanism to distinguish between pdflatex in pdf mode and other modes or engines.
  • Some packages may require a particular back-end driver, in the form of a package option, e.g. \usepackage[pdftex]{...}. However, the graphics and hyperref packages determine the proper driver automatically; you don't have to make this explicit choice and should not do so to avoid conflicts.
  • You can use the full range of pdf specific hypertex options to augment metadata in the PDF file, e.g. \hypersetup{pdfauthor={some author},pdftitle={eye-catching title}}.
  • Figures can be included in JPEG, PNG, or PDF format with the standard graphics package. For security reasons arXiv does not allow for automated format conversion, so your figures must be in the proper format already.
  • Unlike native LaTeX, the default output format for PDFLaTeX is PDF, with no intermediate DVI or PostScript. Thus, these formats are not available for download for PDFLaTeX submissions.

So the best solution to your problem is starting the main file with



As suggested, I added the below shown line to the .tex file and it works :).
