Work Items, Pull Requests menu not visible in Visual Studio

The reason is that you just connect to the local git repository and it likes this: enter image description here

You configured Remotes (Home=>Settings=>Repository Settings=>Remotes), so you can commit and sync.

Refer to these steps to connect to the remote repository.

  1. Go to Team Explorer
  2. Click Manage connections=>Connect to Team project enter image description here
  3. After that Open Solution in Solutions section (if it is empty, you need to clone this repository) enter image description here

I had the same issue. It was resolved by re-connecting to the tfs-server. on VS 2017 Team Explorer go to 'Manage Connections' and 'Add Server'.

This happened to me after I upgraded Visual Studio 2017 to 15.6.2. I was able to push my changed to the server, commit, sync, etc. but for some reason when I tried to make a Pull Request, that option was not listed in Team Explorer. I searched and found this solution to help out. Still unsure why I could push/sync, but could not do a pull request since it said I was not connected to the TFS server.

Once I reconnected, the Pull Request option re-appeared and I could make my Pull Request. Hope this help others.

Steps using VS (Visual Studio) 2019:

  1. Manage Connections > Connect to a Project...
  2. Expand server, and project to find the repo you want, then
  3. If it is already cloned, "Connect" should be the default option - click it!

And why Microsoft doesn't just auto-magically do this bewilders me! I could sync and all, but no Pull-request until I jump through this little connect to the server/project/repo steps..