How to use children with React Stateless Functional Component in TypeScript?

React 16.8 Update: Since React 16.8, the names React.SFC and React.StatelessComponent are deprecated. Actually, they have become aliases for React.FunctionComponent type or React.FC for short.

You would use them the same way though:

const MyStatelessComponent : React.FunctionComponent<MyProps> = props =>

Before React 16.8 (Older):

For now, you can use the React.StatelessComponent<> type, as:

const MyStatelessComponent : React.StatelessComponent<{}> = props =>

What I have added there is setting the return type of the component to React.StatelessComponent type.

For a component with your own custom props (like MyProps interface):

const MyStatelessComponent : React.StatelessComponent<MyProps> = props =>

Now, props has got the children property as well as those from MyProps interface.

I checked this in typescript version 2.0.7

Additionally, you can use React.SFC instead of React.StatelessComponent for brevity.

You can use React.PropsWithChildren<P> type for your props:

interface MyProps { }

function MyComponent(props: React.PropsWithChildren<MyProps>) {
  return <div>{props.children}</div>;