Will a Linux executable compiled on one "flavor" of Linux run on a different one?

In short: If you're taking a compiled binary from one host to another using the same (or a compatible) architecture, you may be perfectly fine taking it to another distribution. However as complexity of the code increases, the likelihood of being linked against a library that is not installed; installed in another location; or installed at a different version, increases. Taking for instance your code, for which ldd reports the following dependencies when compiled with gcc -o exit-test exit-test.c on a (Debian-derived) Ubuntu Linux host:

$ ldd exit-test
    linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xb7748000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0xb757b000)
    /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x8005a000)

Obviously this binary won't run if I kick it over to, say, a Mac (./exit-test: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error). Let's try moving it to a RHEL box:

$ ./exit-test
-bash: ./exit-test: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

Oh dear. Why might this be?

$ ls /lib/ld-l* # reference the `ldd` output above
ls: cannot access /lib/ld-l*: No such file or directory

Even for this use-case, forklifting it failed due to missing shared libraries.

However, if I compile it with gcc -static exit-test-static exit-test.c, porting it to the system without the libraries works just fine. At the expense, of course, of disk space:

$ ls -l ./exit-test{,-static}
-rwxr-xr-x  1 username  groupname    7312 Jan 29 14:18 ./exit-test
-rwxr-xr-x  1 username  groupname  728228 Jan 29 14:27 ./exit-test-static

Another viable solution would be to install the requisite libraries on the new host.

As with many things in the U&L universe, this is a cat with many skins, two of which are outlined above.

It depends. Something compiled for IA-32 (Intel 32-bit) may run on amd64 as Linux on Intel retains backwards compatibility with 32-bit applications (with suitable software installed). Here's your code compiled on RedHat 7.3 32-bit system (circa 2002, gcc version 2.96) and then the binary copied over to and run on a Centos 7.4 64-bit system (circa 2017):

-bash-4.2$ file code
code: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, not stripped
-bash-4.2$ ./code
-bash: ./code: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
-bash-4.2$ sudo yum -y install glibc.i686
-bash-4.2$ ./code ; echo $?

Ancient RedHat 7.3 to Centos 7.4 (essentially RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.4) is staying in the same "distribution" family, so will likely have better portability than going from some random "Linux from scratch" install from 2002 to some other random Linux distribution in 2018.

Something compiled for amd64 would not run on 32-bit only releases of Linux (old hardware does not know about new hardware). This is also true for new software compiled on modern systems intended to be run on ancient old things, as libraries and even system calls may not be backwards portable, so may require compilation tricks, or obtaining an old compiler and so forth, or possibly instead compiling on the old system. (This is a good reason to keep virtual machines of ancient old things around.)

Architecture does matter; amd64 (or IA-32) is vastly different from ARM or MIPS so the binary from one of those would not be expected to run on another. At the assembly level the main section of your code on IA-32 compiles via gcc -S code.c to

    pushl %ebp
    movl %esp,%ebp
    movl $99,%eax
    popl %ebp

which an amd64 system can deal with (on a Linux system--OpenBSD by contrast on amd64 does not support 32-bit binaries; backwards compatibility with old archs does give attackers wiggle room, e.g. CVE-2014-8866 and friends). Meanwhile on a big-endian MIPS system main instead compiles to:

        .frame  $fp,8,$31
        .mask   0x40000000,-4
        .fmask  0x00000000,0
        .set    noreorder
        .set    nomacro
        addiu   $sp,$sp,-8
        sw      $fp,4($sp)
        move    $fp,$sp
        li      $2,99
        move    $sp,$fp
        lw      $fp,4($sp)
        addiu   $sp,$sp,8
        j       $31

which an Intel processor will have no idea what to do with, and likewise for the Intel assembly on MIPS.

You could possibly use QEMU or some other emulator to run foreign code (perhaps very, very slowly).

However! Your code is very simple code, so will have fewer portability issues than anything else; programs typically make use of libraries that have changed over time (glibc, openssl, ...); for those one may also need to install older versions of various libraries (RedHat for example typically puts "compat" somewhere in the package name for such)

compat-glibc.x86_64                     1:2.12-4.el7.centos

or possibly worry about ABI changes (Application Binary Interface) for way old things that use glibc, or more recently changes due to C++11 or other C++ releases. One could also compile static (greatly increasing the binary size on disk) to try to avoid library issues, though whether some old binary did this depends on whether the old Linux distribution was compiling most everything dynamic (RedHat: yes) or not. On the other hand, things like patchelf can rejigger dynamic (ELF, but probably not a.out format) binaries to use other libraries.

However! Being able to run a program is one thing, and actually doing something useful with it another. Old 32-bit Intel binaries may have security issues if they depend on a version of OpenSSL that has some horrible and not-backported security problem in it, or the program may not be able to negotiate at all with modern web servers (as the modern servers reject the old protocols and ciphers of the old program), or SSH protocol version 1 is no longer supported, or ...

Adding to the excellent @thrig and @DopeGhoti answers: Unix or Unix-like OSes, including Linux, were traditionally always designed and aligned more for the portability of source code than binaries.

If having nothing hardware specific or being a simple source as in your example, you may move it without any problem at all from between pretty much any version of Linux or architecture as source code as long as the destination servers have the C development packages installed, the necessary libraries, and the corresponding development libraries installed.

As far porting more advanced code from older versions of Linux distant in time, or more specific programs like kernel modules for different kernel versions, you might have to adapt and modify source code to account for deprecated libraries/APIs/ABIs.