When running Bibtex with a statement that has a comma at the end, this is obscuring real problems

while this is not clearly documented in the "usual" places, in "guide to latex" by kopka & daly, it is stated in section 12.2.4, regarding names, that

Anything enclosed in braces will be treated as a single item, something that is used in ambiguous cases, or when the name contains a comma or the word and. An example is

"{Harvey and Sons, Ltd}"

thus my advice is to omit the comma, but wrap an additional pair of braces around the element, as

author = {{European Council}},

I had the warning after executing Biber.

WARN - BibTeX subsystem: warning: comma(s) at end of name (removing)

My code was the following:

    author  = {Jurafsky, D., and Martin, J.},
    year    = 2009,
    title   = {Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition, and Computational Linguistics}

Then I figured out that the cause of this warning is the comma in D, and. To separate list of authors, use and instead of ,. For example, Jurafsky, D. and Martin, J. and Manning, C. In the above case, removing the comma resolved the problem.

The corrected entry is,

    author  = {Jurafsky, D. and Martin, J.},
    year    = 2009,
    title   = {Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition, and Computational Linguistics}